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Write synthetic API tests


This document is targeted to the Node 16.10 scripted API runtime and newer. Details for the http-request based Node 10 and older runtimes

Use synthetic monitoring's API tests to monitor your API endpoint to ensure it is functioning correctly. New Relic uses the got module internally to make HTTP calls to your endpoint and validate the results.

Here we present some example functions showing how to use the $http object to submit your request. For detailed documentation on the options available for this object, see the got module readme. The got module documentation includes a migration guide highlighting changes to expect from the request module used in previous scripted API runtimes.


To view and share other API test examples, visit the synthetics scripts section in Explorers Hub or the Synthetic Monitoring Quickstarts Library.

Use API got module

API tests are powered by the got module, which is available through the $http object. Once each frequency interval, New Relic queries your endpoint from each of your selected locations. For instructions on creating a monitor, see Adding monitors.

Read on to learn how to define metadata for your request, make a GET request, make a POST request, and how to validate the results.

Result timing details will be provided as long as you use the $http object. For scripted API use cases not covered by the $http object, you can use the $har object to report custom timing details.


After a maximum run time of three minutes, New Relic manually stops the script.


one.newrelic.com > Synthetics > Create monitor: The script editor suggests functions, selectors, and other elements to simplify scripting commands (available in GitHub).

Configure request options

To start your script:

  • Declare a variable (such as options) to store your got options object.
  • Define request options such as the URL endpoint and custom headers.


For a full list of supported options, see got options in the got documentation on GitHub.

Here's an example of optional metadata in the options object:

Send a GET request

To make a GET request, use the $http.get method to submit your request. Define your request options, make your request using $http.get, then validate the response to ensure your endpoint is returning the correct results.

Send a POST request

To make a POST request, use the $http.post method to submit your request. Define your request options, make your request using $http.post, then validate the response to ensure your endpoint is returning the correct results.

Validate results

To validate your results, import the assert module to define your test case. Call an assert method to validate your endpoint's response. If any assert functions fail, the entire monitor will be considered a failed check. This may trigger alert notifications and affect your metrics.


Synthetic monitoring does not allow thrown exceptions. Thrown exceptions result in script failure. Use the assert module to validate your results, and use console.log() to log results to the synthetic's console.

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