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Add custom attributes to synthetic monitoring data

New Relic's $util.insights is a set of tools to set and manipulate events reported from synthetic monitoring.

You can add custom data as custom attributes, with the prefix custom, to the SyntheticCheck event. These attributes are in addition to the event's default attributes.


This functionality is available for monitor versions 0.2.0 or later.



Return value

$util.insights.set(key: string, value: ?)

Sets a key/value pair.


$util.insights.get(key: string)

Returns the value for the provided key.



Returns an array of keys currently set.


$util.insights.has(key: string)

Returns true if the key exists in the data.


$util.insights.unset(key: string)

Removes the key/value pair.



Removes all custom data.



The example obtains the latest incident from New Relic's RSS status feed and saves the details for this event.

var parseString = require('xml2js').parseString;
// Get the New Relic status RSS feed
$http.get('https://status.newrelic.com/history.rss', function(err, response, body) {
parseString(body, function(err, result){
// Parse the RSS, and get the latest incident
var latestIncident = result.rss.channel[0].item[0];
// Push the incident details to New Relic
$util.insights.set('Incident', latestIncident.title[0]);
$util.insights.set('Description', latestIncident.description[0]);
$util.insights.set('Date', latestIncident.pubDate[0]);

To view the incident data sent to New Relic in this example, use this query:

FROM SyntheticCheck SELECT latest(custom.Date), latest(custom.Incident), latest(custom.Description) WHERE monitorName = "Monitor Name Here"
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