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Java agent v4.3.0

July 31, 2018Download


  • Distributed tracing

Distributed tracing lets you see the path that a request takes as it travels through your distributed system. By showing the distributed activity through a unified view, you can troubleshoot and understand a complex system better than ever before.

Distributed tracing is available with an APM Pro or equivalent subscription. To see a complete distributed trace, you need to enable the feature on a set of neighboring services. Enabling distributed tracing changes the behavior of some New Relic features, so carefully consult the transition guide before you enable this feature.

To enable distributed tracing, set enabled to true in the distributed_tracing stanza in the newrelic.yml config file.

enabled: true
  • Added configuration option proxy_scheme to allow the agent to connect via https only proxies.


  • Fixed an issue where transaction throughput counts could be artificially inflated when using async servlets in Jersey.
  • Fixed an issue where JBoss and Wildfly datasources could cause a LinkageError.
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