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Java agent v3.28.0

April 20, 2016Download


  • Cassandra

    This release adds slow query tracking to Cassandra queries made via the Datastax driver. You’ll now see slow CQL queries on the Databases page and within Transaction Traces. You must add the following to your newrelic.yml configuration to enable this feature in High security mode:

  • MongoDB

    The Java agent now reports synchronous calls made via MongoDB Java driver 2.14. You will see MongoDB represented on the Overview page, on the Databases page, and in Transaction traces. Note: The asynchronous driver is not yet supported.

  • Apache Tomcat

    This release adds support for Tomcat 8.5

  • Akka

    • This release adds support for Akka forwarding and Akka broadcasting. The agent will now trace messages broadcast or forwarded to actors.
    • When the system sends a message to an Actor, the agent now reports the name of the actor system that sent the message. Previously, the agent reported “deadletters” under these circumstances.
  • Async performance

    This release adds performance enhancements for asynchronous frameworks, especially Hystrix. Performance in Hystrix will noticeably improve for most applications, and will be up to 3x faster when tracing low-latency requests (response time <3ms). Performance for low-latency Play applications will be up to 30% faster.

  • JDBC

    This release adds support for the following JDBC drivers:

    • MySQL 6.0.2 and higher
    • i-Net Oranxo 3.06
    • i-Net MERLIA 8.04.03 and 8.06


  • Fixed a bug that could cause Akka Http instrumentation to throw a NullPointerException into customer code.
  • Fixed a bug in the Spymemcached instrumentation that would report operations with the name “None” instead of the correct operation name.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause highly asynchronous applications to experience a memory leak in the NewRelic TransactionService.
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