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Add and edit monitors

Synthetic monitors are API checks or virtual browser instances that monitor your website, recording each check in detail. They can also:

You'll be able to add and configure synthetic monitors to suit your environnment after you create a New Relic account. (It's free, forever!)


Convert to the new synthetics runtime when you edit your monitors. Make sure to update your allow lists to accept network requests from new public IP ranges.

Add a monitor

You can add several types of synthetic monitors:

  • Ping monitors ensure your website is responding, while simple browser monitors send real browsers to check your website.
  • For more complex monitoring, scripted browser monitors verify that specific resources are present, while API tests verify your API endpoint.

The default timeout for a new monitor is 180 seconds.

To learn how to use our step monitor to build complex workflow validation scripts without writing any code, watch this short YouTube video (approx. 3:20 minutes).


You can also add monitors with our NerdGraph API or the Synthetics REST API. For REST APIs, you can create a GET request to the monitor you want to use as the source for configuration, then use those key values to use in a POST to "copy" and create a new monitor.

Edit a monitor

You cannot change a monitor's type after the monitor is created, but you can edit other monitor settings.

  1. From the Monitors tab in one.newrelic.com > Synthetics, select the monitor you want to edit.

  2. In the side menu, select a link to change the following settings:

    • Select Settings > General to edit name, Apdex T, URL, locations, frequency, and advanced options.
    • For Scripted browser and API test monitors, select Settings > Script to edit your monitor script.
    • For synthetic monitoring alerts, click Manage alerts.
  3. Select Save changes to confirm.

Delete a monitor

You must have Admin privileges in order to delete a monitor.

To delete a monitor:

  1. From the Monitors tab in one.newrelic.com > Synthetics, select the monitor you want to edit.
  2. From the selected monitor, select Settings > General.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the trash can icon.

You can also delete a monitor with our NerdGraph API or the Synthetics REST API.

Monitor settings

When configuring monitors, the following settings are available:

See a history of monitor changes

You can use the New Relic UI to see a history of recent changes to synthetic monitors and what users changed them.

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