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Python agent v4.20.0.120

May 22, 2019Download


This release of the Python agent includes bug fixes and adds new API methods to retrieve the current trace ID and current span ID.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.


  • Added a new API to retrieve the current trace ID

    Retrieving the current trace ID can now be accomplished with a call to newrelic.agent.current_trace_id(). This method will return the id of the current trace, or None if no transaction is in progress.

  • Added a new API to retrieve the current span ID

    Retrieving the current span ID can now be accomplished with a call to newrelic.agent.current_span_id(). This method will return the id of the current span, or None if no span is in progress.

Bug Fixes

  • Exclusive time incorrectly displayed when using concurrent asyncio

    The New Relic UI may have shown times equaling greater than 100 percent of the total time when executing concurrent tasks in asyncio. The exclusive times reported by the agent will now be correctly displayed in APM and insights.

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