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Introduction to Android monitoring

Mobile monitoring for Android monitors your mobile app, giving you a comprehensive view of your app's performance. It works for Android apps written using Java or Kotlin.

Install the Android agent

Before you install the Android agent, make sure your app follows the compatibility requirements. As part of the installation process, mobile monitoring automatically generates an application token. This is a 40-character hexadecimal string for authenticating each mobile app that you monitor.

Follow the Android installation and configuration procedures for your environment as applicable. If you have problems with your Android installation, or if you do not see data in the mobile monitoring UI for your Android app, follow the troubleshooting procedures.

Extend your instrumentation

After you install the agent, extend the agent's instrumentation by using the mobile monitoring UI and following up on information in New Relic Insights.

To access:

In mobile monitoring:

In NRQL and dashboards:

Custom data

Create and record custom events, interaction traces, and attributes to add details to your existing data and traces.

Then, view the custom events that you created in NRQL or dashboards.

Network requests

Enable the MobileRequest event feature so you can perform a full network analysis.

To further investigate network request error rates and response times, query MobileRequest and MobileRequestError events.

Crash analysis

Review detailed information using groups and filters to analyze trends that lead to crashes.

To view more information about crashes, create NRQL queries to review Insights charts related to crash data.

Android SDK API

Use the Android SDK API for mobile monitoring to instrument parts of your code that are not instrumented by default.

Then, view those custom events and attributes in New Relic Insights.

Handled exceptions

Report exceptions so you can identify factors creating a poor mobile app experience.

To further improve performance, review MobileHandledException event records in New Relic Insights.


Boost the level of detail in crash event trails by adding breadcrumbs.

Then, query MobileBreadcrumbs events to see all breadcrumbs or just breadcrumbs related to crashes.

See your errors in CodeStream

You can also see your Android application's directly in your IDE using CodeStream and errors inbox. To do this, install CodeStream, connect CodeStream and New Relic and create Git tags that match your appVersion.

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