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View your Apdex score

Your Apdex score measures users' satisfaction with the response time of your web applications and services. The dissatisfaction score is the difference between a perfect Apdex score (1.0) and your app's apdex_t ("tolerating") score based on your Apdex settings.

To help identify and troubleshoot Apdex level changes that indicate poor customer experiences with your site, use any of these resources:


Apdex applies only to web apps or services. The Apdex chart in the UI appears blank for non-web transactions. To get a high-level overview of all your applications and services, use the New Relic Explorer.

View Apdex score in APM

Apdex dissatisfaction levels of Tolerating (apdex_t) and Frustrated (apdex_f) indicate how slow site performance contributes to poor customer experiences in your app. For example:

  • 1.0: All responses are satisfactory.
  • Tolerating responses half satisfy a user. For example, if all responses are Tolerating, then the Apdex score will be 0.50.
  • 0.0: None of the responses are satisfactory.

To view the Apdex score for your web apps or services:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > (select an app) > Summary.
  2. From the APM Summary page, review the Apdex score chart.

If you want to...

Do this...

View your Apdex T value

Mouse over the Apdex icon.

Screenshot showing the pop-up when you hover over the question mark next to Apdex.

View summary information for any point in time on the chart

Mouse over the Apdex score chart.

View detailed information about any point in time on the chart

Click or drag anywhere on the Apdex score chart.

View the corresponding Apdex score for browsers

Select the Apdex chart's End user link.

Go directly to detailed Apdex information

Go to one.newrelic.com > (select an app) > Transactions > See transactions table, and then sort by Apdex.

View transactions with highest Apdex dissatisfaction

Transactions at the top of APM's Transactions page often are good candidates for performance tuning or fixing errors. To view transactions with the highest Apdex dissatisfaction percentage:

  1. Go to one.newrelic.com > APM > (select an app) > Transactions > See transactions table.
  2. Sort Apdex to find the most dissatisfying.
  3. Specific web transaction: To view details about a specific transaction, select its row.

By definition, the All transactions row always contributes 100% of the app's total dissatisfaction, even if no responses are dissatisfying (100% of zero is zero). In this situation, 100% does not mean that all of your transactions are dissatisfying. The sum of all the other values in this column is 100%.

To focus on Apdex levels for specific transactions, you can also:

  • Configure transaction traces to capture apdex_f, which is four times your app server's apdex_t.
  • Create key transactions to track changes in Apdex values for specific transactions that are important to your business, such as signups, purchase confirmations, searches, site logins, etc.

View Apdex score in browser

Use browser monitoring to:

Visualize Apdex data in query builder

Use query builder to:

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