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NerdGraph tutorial: alerts policies

You can manage your alerts policies using our NerdGraph API.


See the NerdGraph introduction for help getting started with NerdGraph and the NerdGraph explorer.

List and filter policies

The policiesSearch query allows you to paginate through all of your policies per account. It also allows some filtering functionality on the account policies.

Create a policy

In order to create a policy, supply a name and an incidentPreference.

The incident preference will configure how incidents get created for each condition created in the policy. For more information, refer to the documentation about choosing your incident preference.

mutation {
  alertsPolicyCreate(accountId: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID, policy: {
    name: "Your Policy Name"
    incidentPreference: PER_CONDITION
  }) {

Update a policy

When you update a policy, note that you don't need to supply all of the attributes on the policy. For example, you only need to supply the name if you only intend to update the name:

mutation {
  alertsPolicyUpdate(accountId: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID, id: YOUR_POLICY_ID, policy: {
    name: "Updated Policy Name"
  }) {

Delete a policy

You can delete policies via the NerdGraph API. Note that only the id may be requested back from a deleted resource:

mutation {
  alertsPolicyDelete(accountId: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID, id: YOUR_POLICY_ID) {
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